Taylor Maid
Professional seamstress
Alter, Repair & Mend
If your favourite trousers or dress are damaged or don't fit, it can be heartbreaking. But Spain tends to have a culture of "make do and mend". At Taylor Maid, we live that culture still.
Get in touch to see what we can do. Also you can see more details by going to the My Services page of this web site.
Triana, Nr Velez Malaga, Andalucia, Spain and at Trapiche Market, also Nr. Velez Malaga. Spain
Monday to Friday 09;00 to 18;00 Tel: +34 634 31 95 38 You can WhatsApp a message or call me on WhatsApp at the times listed above.
email - judes.serendipity@googlemail.com
Paersonalized Pieces - just for you!
Do you have a special top that you feel fits perfectly and you would like in a different colour or material. Then I can make one or more up especially for you using your existing garment as a pattern - thereby ensuring they are made with you in mind!
Commisssion Work
Do you have an idea that you want to make a reality? Is it for you or a special present for someone? Do you want to talk about ideas or get some suggestions? It may be fabric, wool or sequins but if you want to find out the possibilities then contact me so we can discuss how to make your ideas a reality.